Health & Wellness Group

The “Warm Up To Diabetes” education day was held November 3, 2012 at Caledonia Regional High School. The event had a focus on education, with sessions given on nutrition, physical activity, mental well being and hypertension, and how all of these relate to the disease of diabetes. There were guest speakers, an educational assembly for students, a small trade show and plenty of laughter. The event was an enormous success, meeting and surpassing all goals for the day.

More than three dozen participants attended the day-long event, and the participants learned the significance and importance of making better food choices and paying attention to portion sizes, making time for physical activity on a daily basis and the importance of stress management. All of these subjects, as well as how to identify and lower high blood pressure were all discussed in relation to the management and prevention of diabetes.

The evaluations were positive and many great suggestions for other areas of community education came up. The educational assembly for the grade 6 to 8 students addressed the Basics of Diabetes, and gifts were given to students and teachers for correct answers. It was a great experience in which the students actively participated.