Develop your Workplace Wellness Plan

The following key actions are recommended for this step:

  • Develop detailed plans that support the goals you’ve established and provide opportunities for employee learning and development within your organization. Involve your stakeholders, specifically management and your workplace wellness champions, in the decision-making and preparation of your plans.
  • Determine the tools and resources required to support each wellness activity or program you are planning. Consider for example, the strengths and assets already identified; how well your policies support wellness, financial investments as well as the time and effort of the people involved.
  • Determine some key strategies to involve employees and to facilitate the changes to the way your organization works as you anchor your new workplace wellness approach as an essential part of your organization
  • Develop a plan for your workplace wellness communications that includes early, frequent and different methods of communicating with management and employees to help maintain engagement in and commitment to workplace wellness.
  • Develop or identify ways to keep track of and evaluate your activities based on the measures of success that were established in the Baseline Data step

Find more information, tools and resources to help you below:


Workplace Wellness Case Studies by the Conference Board of Canada