P.R.O. Kids is a non-profit program operating out of the Leisure and Culture Department of the City of Edmundston that matches children and teens up to (and including) the age of 18 with organized, registered recreation activities. P.R.O. Kids receives support from organizations, businesses and service providers who donate spaces in their programs, provide financial or “in kind” assistance, and/or donate supplies, equipment and transportation to and from activities and programs. If you’re interested by a specifi activity and you want to take part in the program, here are the criteria:

  • You must be 18 or under.
  • You must live in Edmundston.
  • You can’t already be registered in an activity which requires registration fees.
  • You must have a financial need.
  • You cannot receive funding from an individual, an organization or a program that helps low-revenue families with leisure activities.
  • P.R.O. Kids must agree with your financial need.

To view the application forms and information brochures about the program, visit http://edmundston.ca/en/services-aux-citoyens/sports/renseignements-loisirs-culture 

Connect with P.R.O. Kids on Facebook at www.facebook.com/PRO-Jeunesse-Edmundston-PRO-Kids-200985259963770/

P.R.O. Kids