Woodstock Recreation Department

There’s a wellness movement happening right across New Brunswick, and in Woodstock, businesses are being particularly SMART about it!

There’s a wellness movement happening right across New Brunswick, and in Woodstock, businesses are being particularly SMART about it! The Woodstock Recreation Department has issued a challenge to businesses in the region, encouraging them to support and promote wellness in the workplace. By means of a number of partnerships, all of which support wellness initiatives, the Department has been able to reach out and connect with the majority of businesses in the region and encourage them to get involved. The challenge got underway at the start of 2013, and once a business expressed an interest, a Health Coach made an appointment to visit and help each workplace set goals to promote healthier lifestyles. Goals needed to meet the SMART criteria; all goals must be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. The goals then came back to the departmental committee for review and approval. The Recreation Department kicked off the challenge with a Wellness Fair in January 2013, featuring health professionals, health screenings and a free lunch.

The initiative was a huge success. The original goal was to involve 30 businesses total, and even more signed on! Participants are reporting weight loss, increased energy and motivation, and a greater sense of camaraderie at work. The winner, determined at the end of March, got access to a specialized 6-week wellness course of their choice designed especially for their workplace. Organizers are grateful for the assistance from sponsors and look forward to seeing participants making wellness a part of their daily lives at work.