Obtain your Organization’s Commitment to Workplace Wellness
The following key actions are recommended for this step:
- Obtain your organization’s commitment to invest in workplace wellness, including a commitment from your senior leaders, managers, employees and other stakeholders
- Align your organization’s vision, mission and values with NB’s Wellness Strategy and Framework and highlight the contribution your organization makes, as a wellness-supporting environment, to a culture of wellness in New Brunswick.
- Adopt an approach where, from the beginning, managers clearly understand their role and are supported to be the leaders who set the daily direction and tone for workplace wellness. This includes helping them to communicate your organization’s values with employees, to share how your organization’s wellness goals are connected to those values and to involve employees in identifying and adopting daily practices that demonstrate your organizational values and support wellness in your workplace.
- Prepare a Business Case and describe the benefits for your people and your organization, including the potential Return on Investment (ROI) for workplace wellness. Make the link between employee health, safety and wellness and the overall performance and long-term health of your organization.
Find more information, tools and resources to help you below:
- Materials to help calculate a return on investment Published by the Conference Board of Canada
- Making the Business Case for Investments in Workplace Health and Wellness (Webinar)
- Making the Business Case for Investments in Workplace Health and Wellness (Presentation)
Companion exercise materials:
- Workplace Wellness – A Roadmap for your Journey (presentation)
Created by the Workplace Wellness Movement
- Business Case for Health and Safety (30 minutes e-Course)
Offered by the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)
- Canadian Wellness Return on Investment Study
Conducted by Sun Life Financial, in collaboration with Ivey Business School
- The Business Case for a Healthy Workplace
Published by the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services – Ontario
- Active Workplace Workbook
(A Workplace Business Case Guide and Template can be found on pages 66 – 76)
By the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA)
- The Wellness Dividend: How Employers Can Improve Employee Health and Productivity
- Making the Healthy Workplace Business Case and Leading Change – Presentation Slides
- Healthy Workplace Strategies: Creating Change and Achieving Results
Published by Creating Healthy Organizations and the Graham Lowe Group
- Healthy Workplaces Journey to Excellence: The Complete Guide
By Workplace Safety and Prevention Services – Ontario
- Healthy Workplace – Template (includes information on organizational commitment)
By the University of Alberta
- Motivation for employers to carry out workplace health promotion – Literature Review
Published by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
Workplace Wellness Case Studies by the Conference Board of Canada
- Wellness Metrics in Action – Lakeside Process Controls: Increasing Employee Engagement
- Wellness Metrics in Action – Telus: A Culture of Health and Wellness
- Wellness Metrics in Action – Toronto East General Hospital: Evaluation Through Feedback
- Wellness Metrics in Action – CMP Advanced Mechanical: Low Cost, High Return
- Wellness Metrics in Action – Desjardins Group: Return on Investments in Wellness